RUN-PC Triage Tool
Transparent prioritisation of patients referred to specialist palliative care
The RUN–PC Triage Tool is a novel evidence-based and validated tool to facilitate the equitable, efficient and transparent prioritisation of patients referred to specialist palliative care services by urgency of need.
The tool was developed through a pioneering body of research led by Dr Beth Russell at Palliative Nexus (University of Melbourne and St Vincent’s Hospital), together with the Centre for Palliative Care. It is underpinned by a qualitative study, a large international discrete choice experiment and a validation study.​
Incorporating 7 items across physical, psychosocial and caregiver domains, the RUN–PC Triage Tool provides a score out of 100 points to determine the urgency of a newly referred patient’s needs, with recommended response times for any given score.
A downloadable user manual and four online training modules are provided to educate users on the development, use and implementation of the RUN-PC Triage Tool.
For further information, to be added to our RUN–PC Triage Tool mailing list, to join our Community of Practice and/or to be involved in future research projects related to this tool, please contact
The development of the RUN-PC Triage Tool was supported by the Victorian State Government Department of Health and Human Services, the St Vincent’s Hospital Research Endowment Fund, the Bethlehem Griffiths Research Foundation and the Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarships.
The RUN-PC Triage Tool pilot implementation project was supported by the Victorian State Government Department of Health and Human Services, Safer Care Victoria and Melbourne City Mission Palliative Care.